The future of Javascript.

EcmaScript 6 and even more

About us

Hannes Verschore

Benjamin Bouvier

JS Dev

Platform engineer on JS engine.

Maintainer of
*not an official logo (credits to Steven Wittens)

EcmaScript 6.0

June 2015

Browsers eagerly implemented stuff



ES6: Generators

Generate a sequence, one item at a time

1 1 2 3 5 8














More general: Function that can be paused in the middle


Star: indicates a generator function

function *foo() {
    // ...
    yield "bar1";
    // ...
    yield "bar2";
    // ...

Yield: pauses the function


function *foo() {


Nothing happens!

var generator = foo();
// generator = { next: function() { ... }, throw: function() { ... }};


function *foo() {
    var x = yield 1;
    var y = yield 2;
    return 3;

var generator = foo();

var result1 =;
// console: "running"
// result1 = {value: 1, done: false}

var result2 =;
// result2 = {value: 2, done: false}

var result3 =;
// result3 = {value: 3, done: true}


function *foo() {
    var x = yield 1;
    var y = yield 2;
    return x + y;

var generator = foo();

var result1 =;
// result1 = {value: 1, done: false}

var result2 =;
// result2 = {value: 2, done: false}

var result3 =;
// result3 = {value: 30, done: true}

Example 1: Iteration

function *range(start, end) {
    while (start != end) {
        yield start;


for (let i of range(0, 10)) {


> 0
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 6
> 7
> 8
> 9

Example 2: Fibonacci

function *fibonacci() {
    var prev = 0, cur = 1;
    while (true) {
        let sum = cur + prev;
        yield sum;
        prev = cur
        cur = sum


for (let n of fibonacci()) {
    if (n > 1000)


> 0
> 1
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 5
> 8

Generators: Compatibility

26 39 n/a 26 n/a
Released 14 months ago Released 3 months ago Released 2 months ago

ES6: Classes





Prototype based !!

function Animal() {
    this.cuteness = 0; // neutral
    this.hunger = 100; // 0: has no hunger, 100: needs food
    this.approach = function() { } // do nothing
    // Getters
    Object.defineProperty(this, "fullness", {
        get: function() {
            return 100 - this.hunger;
Animal.prototype.feed = function(type) {
} = function(animal1, animal2) {
    // when animals are same species chitchat else growl
var unknownSpecies = new Animal();

Why can't we use classes. I know classes.

What is this?


class Animal() {
    constructor() {
        this.cuteness = 0; // neutral
        this.hunger = 100; // 0: has no hunger, 100: needs food
    approach() {
        // do nothing
    get fullness() {
        return 100 - this.hunger;
    feed(type) {
    static talk(animal1, animal2) {
        // when animals are same species chitchat else growl

A minimal class proposal


class Cat extends Animal {
    constructor() {
    approach() {
    feed(type) {
        if (isDelicious(type))
        // Cats are picky even when hungry.

No multiple inheritance!

Classes: Compatibility

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Available in "Technical Preview" using "Experimental Web Platform Features"
Traceur 6to5

ES6: Arrow functions

Problem: |this| is dynamic scoped

function Archer() {
    this.arrows = 100;

    setInterval(function shoot() {
    }, 5 * 1000);

var a1 = new Archer();

Solution 1: lexical alias to |this|

function Archer() {
    var self = this;
    this.arrows = 100;

    setInterval(function shoot() {
    }, 5 * 1000);

var a1 = new Archer();

Solution 2: bind the callback function

function Archer() {
    this.arrows = 100;

    setInterval(function shoot() {
    }.bind(this), 5 * 1000);

var a1 = new Archer();

New solution: arrow functions

function Archer() {
    this.arrows = 100;

    setInterval(() => {
    }, 5 * 1000);

var a1 = new Archer();

Shorter syntax

Lexically binds |this|

Syntax: arrow functions

([param] [, param]) => {

param => expression


// 1. Basic
(x, y) => {
    return x+y

// 2. No return needed (for single expressions)
(x, y) => x+y

// 3. No parentheses (for one argument)
x => Math.pow(x, 2);

// 4. Or
x => {
    return Math.pow(x, 2);

// 5. No arguments
() => Math.random()


Arrow functions: Compatibility

23 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Released one and a half year ago Available in "Technical Preview" using "Experimental Web Platform Features"

ES6: Destructuring

Assign data from Array or Object to variables

Destructuring: List matching.

var [a, b] = [1, 2];
// a = 1, b = 2

var [a, ,b] = [1,2,3];
// a = 1, b = 3

var [a, b, ...c] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// a = 1, b = 2, c = [3, 4, 5]

var [b, a] = [a, b]
// swaps the content of a and b

Destructuring: Object matching.

var { data : var1 } = { data : 50 }
// var1 = 50

var { m: month, y: year } = { d: 1, m: 2, y: 2015}
// month = 2, year = 2015

var { child: { data: element  } } = { child : { child: null, data: 1}, data: null }
// element = 1;

var { data : data } = { data : 50 }
var { data } = { data : 50 }
// data = 50

var { rhs, lhs, data } = { rhs : {}, lhs: {}, data: 50 }
// rhs = {}, lhs = {}, data = 50

Destructuring: Useable in parameter position.

function g({name: x}) {
g({name: 5, foo: 0})

// Console: 5

Destructuring: Using defaults.

// Fail-soft destructuring
var [a] = [];
a === undefined;

// Fail-soft destructuring with defaults
var [a = 1] = [];
a === 1;

Not implemented yet!

Destructuring: Compatibility

34 n/a n/a n/a 7.1
Released 2 months ago Released 5 monts ago

ES6: Modules

Fix dependencies of Libraries

Using the 'script'-tag is not scalable

CommonJS Modules
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

Module pattern

/* ------ lib.js ------ */
var privateProperty = 1;
export var publicProperty = 2

function privateFunction() { /* ... */ }
export function publicFunction() { /* ... */ }

export default function () { /*  */ }

/* ------ main.js ------ */
import { publicProperty, publicFunction } from 'lib';
// publicProperty = 2, publicFunction = function () { /* ... */ }

import { publicFunction as libfunc } from 'lib';
// libfunc = function() { /* ... */ }

import { default as foo } from 'lib';
import foo from 'lib';
// foo now contains the default function

import * as mylib from 'lib';
// mylib = { publicProperty: 2, publicFunction: function() { /* ... */}}

Module loader

// Returns a promise? that loads the module async

To be determined

Make it possible to load libraries sync and async

ES6: Promises

Abstraction for Async code


JS executes sequentially and blocks all other execution

Easiest to reason about

while (true) {
    // Crunch some data.
// Make sure first image is loaded
var img = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]
while (!img.complete) {
    // not yet completed
// Completed, now we can do something with it.

So we need async behaviour.

Enter events and continuation functions

// Make sure first image is loaded
var img = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]
img.onload = function() {
    // Completed, now we can do something with it.

What if img was already loaded?

Just add some more code. DUH!

if (img.completed) {
    img.onload();// Make sure first image is loaded


the idea is to make this simpler with promises and have some nice tools around it.


function executor(resolve, reject) {
    /* do something */

    if (/* fail */)
        reject(); // Bonus, will also get called upon Error.

    /* done */

var promise = new Promise(executor);

promise.then(function() {
    /* Let's do something with the result. */
}, function() {
    /* Failed. */

Image loaded example

var img = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]
ready = img.getReadyPromise() // imagine this exists.
ready.then(function() {
    // Completed, now we can do something with it.

Promise Example: Chaining

var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img")
ready = imgs[0].getReadyPromise() // imagine this exists.
ready.then(function() {
    return imgs[1].getReadyPromise(); // return promise.
}).then(function() {
    // both images are loaded.

Example: Parallel testing of multiple promises

var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img")
var promises = [ imgs[0].getReadyPromise(), imgs[1].getReadyPromise() ]
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
    // Both images are loaded.

Promises: Compatibility

29 32 n/a 19 7.1
Released 9 months ago Released 1 year ago Available in "Technical Preview" using "Experimental Web Platform Features" Released 1 year ago Released 5 monts ago

The Future

Might be present in ES7, or even later.

Very experimental features (implemented in Nightly).

Instable APIs.

Use at your own risks!

Typed Objects

Add a way to describe data structures which members have defined types.

Types among {u,}int{8,16,32,64} / float{32,64} / String / Object, etc..

Create your own structs!

            var {StructType, ArrayType} = TypedObject;
            // Create a simple type
            var Pixel = new StructType({'r': uint8, 'g': uint8, 'b': uint8});

            // Create an array type
            var Square = new ArrayType(Pixel, 4);

            // Compose types!
            var Image = new StructType({'id': uint16, 'src': Square});

Create your own typed objects!

            var p = new Pixel({r: 128, g: 42, b: 25});
            p.g; // shows 42

            // Omit a field in the constructor to give it a default value
            var p2 = new Pixel({r: 128, b: 56});
            p2.g; // shows 0

            // Arguments are coerced to fit the specified type
            var p3 = new Pixel({r: 128, g: 35, b: 1337});
            p2.b; // shows 57

            // Let's instantiate an ArrayType
            var sq = new Square([
                {r: 24, g: 35, b: 46},
                {r: 52, g: 63, b: 74},

Features of typed objects

            // You can't add attributes to Typed objects instances
            var p = new Pixel();
   = "let's sneak in a string, i'm sure the VM won't see it";
            // TypeError: Pixel is not extensible

            // Typed objects are objects (!)
            typeof p2; // "object"

            var p2 = new Pixel();
            p == p2; // false
            p === p2; // false

5 Reasons To Love Typed Objects; #5 Is My Favourite

Can we remove boxing of plain JS objects?

If we can prove an object has a stable shape ("hidden class") and we know its definite properties, we can handle it as a Typed Object.

            function PixelFactory(r, g, b) {
                this.r = r | 0; // Forces int32 coercion
                this.g = g | 0;
                this.b = b | 0;

            var Pixel = new StructType({r: int32, g: int32, b: int32});
            // What if we handle an object created from the PixelFactory as a
            // Typed Object with the Pixel type?

Firefox: Bug 1106828


Use vector operations directly in JavaScript and have these jitted as vector processor instructions.

Single Instruction, Multiple Data

A normal operation takes two input operands.

A SIMD operation operates on pairs of input operands.

Implementations of SIMD: SSE (x86), NEON (arm)

This is fast! Mostly used in heavily parallel processing (audio / image processing, codecs, games...).

The SIMD.js model

Fixed-length: 128 bits (much useful, well supported, very SIMD, wow).

Uniform behaviours of operation accross platforms.

New value types: int8x16, int16x8, int32x4, float32x4, float64x2.

These can be embedded in Typed Objects descriptors.

Available operations

can haz code? okthxbye

                function fibonacci4(n) {
                    var x = SIMD.int32x4(1, 1, 2, 3);
                    var y = SIMD.int32x4(1, 2, 3, 5);

                    while (n--) {
                        var tmp = y;
                        y = SIMD.int32x4.add(x, y);
                        x = tmp;

                    return x;

                var v = fibonacci4(10);
                console.log(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w); // (89, 144, 233, 377)

Another example

                var x = SIMD.float32x4(1, 2, 3, 4);
                var y = SIMD.float32x4(1, 2, 3, 4);

                var previous = SIMD.float32x4.splat(0); // copies the value in all four lanes

                var threshold = SIMD.float32x4.splat(.001337);

                while (true) {
                    previous = x;

                    x = SIMD.float32x4.add(x, y);
                    x = SIMD.float32x4.sqrt(x); // square root

                    let v = SIMD.float32x4.sub(x, previous); // subtract
                    v = SIMD.float32x4.abs(v); // absolute

                    let cmp = SIMD.float32x4.lessThanOrEqual(v, threshold); // <=
                    if (cmp.signMask == 0b1111) // true in all lanes

                console.log(x.x, x.y, x.z, x.w);

Thank you!